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Where are you from?
 - I live in Australia, but I was born in England, Nottingham but when I was 3 years old I moved to Australia, because my mom is from Australia.

Do you have any brothers' or sisters?
 - Yes, i have a younger brother his name is Jorge, and he’s 16 years old, he is really different to me, he is learning how to be a Farmer, he works with animals, and he is learning enginery...

Why are you in Spain?
 - I’m came to Spain because last year I finished university and I studied business and I don’t wanna start working in an office now,  I decided to travel.


Which are the main difarences beetwin Spain and Australia?

- I think that the main differences is the distances between the places. For example, if you live 1hour from your grandmother is near in Australia and here you usually have your grandmother in the same town.

I think that having language assistants is good for students because they can practice English by other method that isn’t with a book and students can listen speech a person that is native on a town that speech English, apart when we go with Stephan (another language assistant) or with Kai, we do different activities more funny.

Kai is a language assistent of the school ins Argentona, he has come to Argentona in January, and he will stay in the school until the end of the school year. We have done an interview to him to know more things about Australia and his culture; here you have some questions that we have done. We go with Kai once a month.

Kai from australia

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